Monday 23 July 2012

Information Management Review Meeting

A review of the information management system was held at the university on 13 July with a view to (1) updating all key stakeholders on developments and (2) planning for the next phase of development. Dave Smith, systems programmer, summarised all the developments and upgrades to the student records system and Chris Godsmark, MIS manager, reported on the external facing information communications, particularly the HESA returns. Tony Toole provided an update on the progress of the Smudie project and reported that the extensive stakeholder consultation phase of the project had been completed. He was in the process of documenting the outcomes and this would include a full 'as is' Enterprise Architecture model of the student information management system. Other diagramming outcomes of the process included a revised systems schematic which illustrated the range of external systems links (left hand side) and the internal information streams (right hand side).